Welcome to the Procurement Services Division
Vendors Business Policies and Procedures Documents

For more information on Vendors Policies and Procedures. Please click on the following links for...

Existing LAUSD Vendor Existing LAUSD Vendor
Maintain Supplier User Maintain Supplier User
Register with SUS Email Register with SUS Email
Self Registration of Supplier Self Registration of Supplier
Self Registration of Supplier Respond to RFx Formal/Informal
Respond to Live Auction Respond to Live Auction
Existing LAUSD Vendor Existing LAUSD Vendor
Maintain Supplier User Maintain Supplier User
Register with SUS Eamil Register with SUS Email
Self Registration of Supplier Self Registration of Supplier
Respond to RFx Formal/Informal Respond to RFx Formal/Informal
Respond to Live Auction Respond to Live Auction

For further assistance with completing the Supplier Self-Registration process and navigating in our Supplier Portal, the following tool is available:

Web-Based Learning Training Modules

For effective use of the LAUSD's vendor portals please use Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or Firefox browsers.

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